A line up of teachers ready to inspire you. 

soulful Sunday 2018.jpg

Deepen Your Practice


Save your spot, $25

The winter season marks a valuable opportunity for self-reflection as we prepare for the New Year ahead. If you haven’t yet read your personal birth chart, or are due for a revisit, this is your chance. Astrology was the original science used to better understand the what, when, where, and whys of life here on Earth. Throughout time, Astrologers have discovered the powerful impact of the planetary bodies and how they can influence and direct our lives. It might seem like we have all the answers we need with the likes of Google and technology at our disposal, but the reality is everything is deeply connected. If we can understand our connection with the cosmos, we may begin to understand everything in between, and most importantly ourselves. No one was born in the same moment, at the same place. Your unique birth chart reveals your specific position respective to the stars and insight into what makes you tick and your purpose in this life. It also provides useful suggestions as to how you can maximize your strengths and improve upon weaknesses to experience better balance.

Angela has been studying birth charts, planetary energies, and the language of astrology over the last decade. She enjoys helping others navigate their chart and believes in the usefulness of the information it contains. This workshop will include a printout of your birth chart and a guide to understanding the language of astrology so you can internalize its insights for yourself. This workshop requires you to pre-register so Angela can come prepared with your chart already printed out. This allows us to maximize our time so we can get right into the details and interpret the contents. Angela will provide her signature matte latte while we explore our charts together. You will have ample opportunity to ask questions, share, laugh, and learn more about yourself in a safe and supportive environment.